"Straight up now tell me do you wanna love me forever?" .. um well.. Paula honey.. forever's a long time and uh...
Now Austin will tell you that he is one of those people who is secretly fascinated by Paula Abdul -- is she or isn't she on drugs? -- if so, what? -- did her doctor give her the wrong meds? -- did he give her the right ones and she doesn't take them? -- etcetera etcetera --
I however, am a little, well.. over it. I mean a handful of has-beens are recycled every year in the form of guest spots, talk shows, book deals, hosting gigs, etcetera -- and although it's always a treat, there comes a point when you remember why you allowed them to fall off the planet in the first place.
That time has come. and gone.
Don't get me wrong, I love her brand of crazy. In fact it's one of favorites. But it's just too sporatic for me. It's not outrageous enough. I need her to OWN her crazy. I need her to see the money pool of fandom that is interested in watching her be a lunatic and just swan dive right into it. In other words, she's gonna have to check out of the crazyland motel and buy some real estate there or I'm out.