Friday, March 5, 2010


Nick Clegg Addresses The Liberal Democrat's Scottish Spring Conference
I have no idea who this guy is... picapp says his name is Nick Clegg. I googled him and apparently he's a member of British parliament, but he and I share something in common... His face is a particularly perfect non-verbal explanation of how I've felt this week.. As you may have noticed I've been M.I.A. since Sunday and although I, knock on wood, have not been physically ill.. I've been quite off my game... truthfully it's just been one of those weeks, I think a combo of seasonal depression and cabin fever is to blame, but basically I've had an "ehh" sorta week. I wanted to write several times but nearly all news this week has been a bore-snore of otherworldly proportions.. Or at least it seemed that way to me, quite possibly because I was in said mood.

However, today is different, spring has sprung everyone! I was out and about this morning, driving with the windows down, singing Tracy Chapman and going to the car wash... watching people in the gas station parking lot make craigslist exchanges and complete strangers making small talk on their way in and out.. This is what life is about... Good weather, good music and good friends... so game on my people, game on...

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