Last nights Idol was for me ironically hysterical.
Lemme tell ya why...
For those of you who don't know, everyday from 5:30 to 8:00 on TBS you can watch re-runs of Seinfeld, Friends and The Office non-stop for those two and half hours. Basically it's a buffer for those of us self-proclaimed boob-tubers who can't get enough of witty sitcom banter and who need a bridge from afternoon talk shows into late night prime time. Although this is the time when it is reasonable to begin having a real life before returning to the sofa for a nights worth of Tivo, I admittedly rarely miss watching at least one episode in this time slot. Last night I was able to fit in one episode of Friends and two episodes of Seinfeld before stopping to watch Idol.
The one Friends I did catch was indeed a classic, it was Season 7's "The One with Joey's Award".. For those of you who love Friends as much as I do, you know that this is the episode where Joey is nominated for the not-so-holy-grail of the soap opera awards, a "Soapie." Although he is convinced he will win, Rachel encourages him to practice his "gracious loser" face just in case he doesn't and the cameras are on him. We all know this face well. The oh-it-wasn't-me-but-that's-okay-because-it's-you face usually accompanied by a little clap and if you're really feeling it a standing ovation.
And in keeping with sitcom rules, he in fact doesn't win, so we, the viewers, can bask in the comedy glory of what happens when he forgets to use his gracious loser face and curses into the camera raising his fists before realizing and correcting himself.
Well... I don't know if they have TBS on in the green room at FOX, but someone musta told Lilly Scott to start practicing her "humble winner" face, which is very similar to the "gracious loser" face, but has a few extra elements including but not limited to gasps, tears, hugs, and the every popular, mouthing "Thank You" to the camera.
But most importantly consists of layin' on a really thick coat of I-don't-think-it's-gonna-be-me, and boy does she bring out the big guns. She worked the doe-eyes, lip biting, and forehead scrunching, for all they were worth...
Let's just say that this chick really thought she had this in the bag.
As did we all honestly.. I mean just the other day I was sayin' she was in my top picks, but I guess America wasn't buyin' what she was sellin' because she got the boot. The news came as she stood side-by-side with 16-year-old Katie Stevens, who is adorable and vocally strong, but in my opinion and apparently in Lilly's seemed like the easier choice for dismissal last night.
But it didn't happen that way... And boy is Lilly surprised... watch for around the 1:50 mark.. her face is priceless... You can actually see her mouth WTF...
NOTE: Check out Todrick Hall too, in two commerical breaks he's gone from humbled by the opportunity, to pissed the hell off, LOL.
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