Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Beginning

Hello Everyone and Welcome to my new blog! I'm pretty stoked to have this finally up and running as it has been in the works for some time (if you define in the works as in-my-head + chronic procrastination) --Either way I'm live and in the blog world now so there's no goin' back.

First things first, a shout out to my brother and (sometimes) co-blogger Austin, without whom the phrase "Let's Be For Real" would never have been created let alone come to be the title of this blog.

If you read the title and didn't know how to take it, let me clarify, this is not a ghetto-Maury Show blog, "Let's be For Real" is no street corner hoochie-short wearin' diva tagline... The phrase came to be one summer when Austin and I lived together and found ourselves constantly consumed in celeblogs... these were the pre-iPhone days when TMZ was accessed by typing it into your browser, rather than the tap of an index finger, so we spent an excessive amount of time laptopin' it up and checking for the latest slice of crazy to hit the web. Go Fug Yourself became a fave (if you haven't been there, definitely check it out) as well as others like The Superficial, Mr. Paparazzi, and of course good ole TMZ.

We would spend hours laughing at the hilarious postings about has-beens, famewhores and everybody's favorite -- the current but tragically scandalous celebutante. We'd end nearly every laugh fest with a gossip fest of our own and couldn't help but think that when it came down to it, the stuff we said in our little apartment was nine outta ten funnier than anything we'd just read. So it became a ritual: read the story, then talk about the blunt but hilarious truth behind it, always beginning with "Let's be for real.." as in "Let's be for real, Michael Lohan started the whole crazy-dad/creepo/my-kids-will-have-to-wear-paper-bags-over-their-heads-for-life movement, so John Gosselin really needs to get in line and hope he takes him under his wing"

It was then that we began using it in everyday scenarios, thus growing its popularity among everyone we know. Note: If you haven't heard one of us say this at some point, we probably don't like you and begin sentences this way when you're not around because they're about you.
Before we knew it, it was an all the time kind of thing and we thought "we really gotta jump on this blog thing and create something of our own" But it slowly and sadly became one of those things you only just ever talk about.

Four years later here we are. This is new for both of us, so bear with us and hang in there. My plan is to begin this as a place to talk about things that are going on in several media realms, providing little snapshots into our take on the stuff that's happening. And eventually I want us to post on a multi-daily basis and have you laughing from morning to night.. Think of us as an online text radio comedy show. We're here to entertain but we'll mostly be talking about funny stuff we've read, watched, or come into contact with over the course of our day/week.

I will also have some additional pages including a series of "My Favs" page where I'll talk about and provide links to entertaining websites I discover and special pages dedicated to the shows I watch regularly as well as celebrities whose drama I can't get enough of.

Stay tuned for some good times and for God's sake put down that rice cake, we're gonna laugh those rolls right off!

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