Saturday, February 27, 2010

WARNING: High Maintenance Overload

Heidi Montag shows off her new features as she arrives at Voyeur nightclub, accompanied by her hubby Spencer Pratt
As a rule of thumb I tend to think that when judging whether or not someone has had too much plastic surgery it's best to rule them completely out if they look like a bad wax-figure of themselves... but in this case I think it may go WAY beyond that. Let's note that the photo to my right is not Charo, but the 2.0 version of what used to be a vibrant, fresh (granted CRAZY) but otherwise lovely 23 year old woman. Some of you might say.. "oh she looks fine, so she had a little work done, ehh what could it hurt." And there was a time I might've agreed. That time however was long ago when we were unaware of the life span of plastic surgery. It's a relatively new thing you know, all this plucking and tucking, and although I'm a fan of keeping yourself happy and youthful this is serious overkill. Many people don't realize that plastic surgeries aren't a one time deal.. they require upkeep and once you've had it done, the after-effects are bound with you for the long haul. Some of them last as long as ten years without needing any updating, while others, not half that. To refresh your memory, the photo on your right is the result of 16, count 'em SIXTEEN mini-surgeries. Do the math... that means, if she lives to be 75, she'll have to have as few as 80 more procedures to continue looking like a plastic version of herself. Not to mention that when you go to a plastic surgeon's office, gravity and all it's ill-effects are not checked at the door. I shudder to think what is yet to come for this face and dear God help me that chest. I wish I could make more fun of her for this, but really we all knew she was a little bit off her rocker to begin with and cumulatively Speidi is one for the record books in terms of being attention starved, but I really just feel sorry for her. My question is... Does this plastic surgeon do double duty as a fertility specialist? Because he and the guy who implanted Octomom with 8 kids, when she already had six at home, must be at least golf buddies..

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